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·143 words·1 min
MongoDB JavaScript React Express

About Project

Prosfero is a web platform designed to facilitate the act of sharing by providing users with a convenient and efficient way to give away items. The platform operates on a request-based system, allowing users to create posts for items they wish to give away, and interested individuals can request those items.

Github Repository

Features Built

  • User-friendly responsive UI with lazy loading for improved performance.
  • Creating posts for items available for giveaway.
  • Sorting and filtration options for listed items.
  • Integration with location to help users find items in their vicinity.
  • Workflow to enable users to request items posted by others.
  • Real-time chat functionality between requester and requestee.
  • Integration with Telegram API to notify users about newly posted items.

Tech Stack Used

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Socket.IO
  • Heroku
  • Telegram Bot API


Thumbnail photo by Jesse Schoff on Unsplash