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·201 words·1 min
JavaScript AWS MongoDB PostgreSQL Redis

About Project

PeerPrep is a web application designed to help students prepare for technical interviews by providing a collaborative environment for practicing LeetCode-style algorithmic questions. Students can take turns playing the roles of interviewer and interviewee, solving questions together using a live editor and chat feature. The platform allows students to select questions based on difficulty or topic, enabling focused practice in areas where they need improvement. Additionally, students can mark questions as done and revisit them for revision purposes.

Github Repository

Micro-services Architecture

The PeerPrep project utilizes a micro-services architecture, with the following key services:

  • User Service: Handles user authentication and user accounts.
  • Matching Service: Matches users based on selected criteria.
  • Question Service: Retrieves questions from a databank, filtered by specified criteria.
  • Collaboration Service: Provides a real-time collaborative space and editor for matched users.
  • Chat Service: Enables communication between matched users.
  • History Service: Stores and retrieves the history of questions answered by users.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, Material UI
  • Backend: Express, Mongoose, IORedis
  • Database: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Deployment: AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Pub-Sub Messaging:
  • Cloud Providers: AWS, Mongo Atlas, RedisCloud
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions, AWS CodePipeline
  • Project Management: GitHub Issues


Thumbnail photo by NEOM on Unsplash